Freehold Moot, Feb. 28, 2016, at the Underhill ID School, 3:30-4:45 p.m.

Attending: 29 gentles, to wit, these people, and a few others whose names I didn’t catch: Dafydd, Tearlach, Gwenydd, Maegwynn, Aethelwulf, David G and his son Cypran, Katherine, Ysabelet and Alaxandr, Ulf and Kelda, Sean and Rudth, Gavin, Thomas and Rosie, Ashlee, Kalonymos, Emily, Andreas, Kevin, William, Cheryl, Janet, Lily,  Marieke (and Shannon arrived later.)

APRIL EVENT (Fool’s Feast)

Alaxandr proposed a site and a date for Fool’s Feast: Sat. April 23, at the Wallingford Boy’s Camp in Wallingford VT. The location is a bit south of Rutland, close to the intersection of Route 4 and Route 7, making it convenient for travelers from nearby groups. The site capacity is in the hundreds. Indoors: two large rooms plus a covered porch, including indoor bathrooms and a fine industrial kitchen. Outdoors, there is plenty of parking. The site can handle woods battles, and field tourneys. Alaxander will check about the feasibility of archery, and also whether the site is dry (it’s wet for weddings, but they have caterers…), and whether dogs will be permitted. The site is NOT heated, but there is a fireplace. We might have to purchase firewood for it, if it’s a cold day. Alaxandr will autocrat, Ysabelet will cook. We will put the event on the Pikestaff calendar, and we will specifically invite nearby groups. Activities may include: merchants, A&S display with guided comments (Marieke), games, as well as fighting and fencing, and maybe dancing after the feast. A pay-as-you-go lunchboard will be offered, with proceeds to benefit the purchase of Freehold serving and feasting equipment. HELP will be needed at the gate, running games, marshalling, set-up and clean-up (out by 11), and kitchen/serving chores. Prices are yet to be worked out, but we’re leaning towards by-donation at the gate for site fee, and maybe $12 for the feast. The site is expensive, and we’re hoping people donate in the $8-10 range. If the site is as nice as we think, we might be able to use it for hosting larger Kingdom Champion events, and there’s the possibility of overnight camping (but not this year).


There’s a general feeling that more activities and more events would be a good thing.

Tearlach has arranged for the Sunday 2-5 p.m.Underhill practices to be weekly – at the school if the weather is bad, or in the adjacent park if it’s nice out. If Tearlach can’t make it, he’ll make an announcement in the usual places, because he is the only one who can unlock the school door. But if the weather is nice, Lily offered to come anyway and teach fencing outdoors. These practices aren’t just for fighters and fencers – anybody’s welcome to watch, or bring projects to work on or share/teach.

Aethelwulf will be holding weekday evening practices in Milton when the weather improves.

Anybody can host a gathering, picnic, class, or whatever at their homes or at some other location. Just invite us, and remember to post both on Facebook and on the email list. (If any such activity starts to involve the spending of Freehold money, check with the Exchequer first – otherwise, go forth and frolic!)


Sean o Wode will be stepping down next January. He briefly described the tasks and responsibilities of the position. At the moot it was decided that Thomas would be his deputy starting now, and will start learning the ropes in order to take over next January. (Thomas will need to get his SCA membership first.)


Tearlach explained how useful fencing has been in terms of recruiting new members, and how easy it is to get started with minimal outlay of cost. To further this effort, it would be helpful to have more masks, blades, and canvas tunics. The moot authorized an expense of about $300 for materials. Some finishing work will be done by Tearlach and others, to keep costs down.


Katherine has worked up a list of items we need to ensure sanitation and convenience when preparing and serving feasts. The list amounts to about $175, but $100 will be covered by the proceeds from previous bake sales, and we plan to raise additional money at the Fool’s Feast lunchboard sale. Any remaining balance will be covered by the Freehold treasury.


Katherine asked people at garage sales to keep their eyes out for raw materials that could be used for A&S projects.

Katherine volunteered to become deputy Exchequer for the shire.

Andreas has sent in the most recent Pursuivant report.

There may be a Big Auction at our April event, to replenish our coffers. More details as they arise.

Lily is officially a Fencing Marshal, as of Birka.

We don’t have a Heavy Marshal. Tearlach, by virtue of his membership in the Order of Chivalry, is a de-facto marshal, but it would be good for us to have somebody else as well. Kelda said that she is in training to become our Shire Marshal.

Thomas offered to host a “meading” at his house, and will send out an announcement later. Lily can also teach a beer class.

Dafydd, who is class coordinator at Panteria, says that anybody who is interested in teaching a class there should contact him.

The Panteria Work Day (cleaning up the site in preparation for Panteria at the end of May) is Sunday, April 24, which is the day after our Fool’s Feast. They would appreciate any assistance from our shire.

Here endeth the moot notes, by Marieke